内容:YogaHaus Berchtesgaden - Brigitte Pfnür - 瑜伽与阿育吠陀 | 比绍夫斯维森的瑜伽工作室
在风景如画的贝希特斯加登(Berchtesgaden), nestled in a breathtaking natural landscape, the Yogahaus Berchtesgaden awaits visitors – an oasis of peace and relaxation. The Yogahaus features a variety of yoga styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin Yoga, led by experienced instructors. These experts bring depth and understanding to each class, supporting both beginners and advanced yogis. 课程和服务种类繁多,适合每个人。还提供例如荷尔蒙瑜伽或晨间冥想等专项课程。工作室的氛围以其温馨宜人的设计、和谐的色彩方案和用心挑选的装饰而邀请人们驻足。 除此之外,Yogahaus Berchtesgaden通过举办活动和工作坊支持社区,促进身心健康。高质量的设施、轻松的环境以及与本地活动的联系使这里成为身体、心灵和灵魂的独特避风港。
巴赫曼路 3, 83483 比肖夫斯维岑
电子邮件: b.pfnuer@gmail.com
网站: http://www.yogahaus-berchtesgaden.com/